Procedure: Reduce enlarged, female-like breast in men using liposuction and/or cutting out excess glandular tissue. Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) (Sometimes covered by medical insurance.)
Length: 1 hour or more.
Anesthesia: General or local.
In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient.
Side Effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation.
Risks: Infection. Fluid accumulation; injury to the skin; rippling or bagginess of skin; asymmetry; pigmentation changes (may become permanent if exposed to sun); excessive scarring if tissue was cut away; need for second procedure to remove additional tissue.

Back to work: three to seven days.

More strenuous activities: two to three weeks.

Duration of Results: Permanent.


Preoperative appearance male breast reduction photo	Intraoperative liposuction male breast reduction Postoperative appearance male breast reduction photo
Preoperative appearance Intraoperative liposuction Postoperative appearance

Actual patient photographs available at time of consult.